I love all of my students, miss them on my holidays and genuinely look forward to seeing them everyday. In particular, I have the pleasure of teaching the most amazing boy. He is twelve years old, brilliant, funny, sweet and sensitive. He has Aspergers, which I didn't really know all that much about before I started teaching him. At first, it was really hard to connect with him, and he was very distrustful of me. As the year has gone on and we have gotten to know one another, I have been able to develop a really great relationship with him. We spend break periods talking about Peruvian obsidian swords (or actually we spend break periods with him teaching me about them), evisceration, Chinese cicadas, and looking at his drawings of video game characters, especially "Warcraft," lately. He produces the most amazing projects in Social Studies, and continually surprises me with his knowledge of the most obscure things. He brings amazing energy and fun into our classroom and I am going to miss him so much when he graduates from elementary school this year!
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